Collection of Philocarty

The collection of philocarty in major contains marinist cards showing the seaside, port towns, ships, boats, and marinist art.  
Since it has been started in 1972, presently the collection contains 2000 cards and it is being constantly supplemented. In addition to presenting views, the cards and post cards also provide resourceful information in their stamps, content and dates written on the reverse side.

The oldest exhibits are black and white or retouched pictures printed in the beginning of the XX c.,showing Klaipeda and its region, ports, beaches and ships of Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. 
The collection contains 37 cards from the series „Nos Marins“presented to the Museum in 1975 by A. Biržietienė. „Nos Marins“ was a series of humoristic reproductions by French painter Henry Gervese (Charles Marie Joseph Millot ) from the 1-2nd decade of XX c. In 1995, the collection was richly supplemented by a private collector Marina Kulchinskaja.  Coming from Klaipeda and residing in Sweden, M. Kulchinskaja presented the Museum with numerous cards showing the views of Scandinavian ports and cities.  In 2013 Marina Kulčinskaja presented 50 more marinist cards from the beginning to the middle of XX c.

The majority of cards were printed in the West European countries or the publishing houses in Moscow or Leningrad in the middle of XX c. 
In 1998, the collections of the Museum were presented with numerous exhibits from the voyage around the world by the yacht Lietuva. The cards sent by the crew members supplemented the collection of philocarty.

Employing the variety of the topics of the collection, the Lithuanian Sea Museum widely presentsits exhibits in the temporary thematic exhibitions.